Veterinary students working on a dog during clinicals

Veterinary Technology Degree (Online), AAS

Pets are important members of many families. 这就是为什么在火博体育,我们很自豪地提供在线兽医技术学位课程. 我们的专业教师通过灵活而严谨的课程为成为一名熟练而友好的兽医技术人员提供教育基础. 我们的毕业生通过兽医技术员国家考试(VTNE)的比率高于全国平均水平15-20%. 

Why Study Veterinary Technology?

兽医技术人员是兽医队伍的重要成员. By studying to be a vet tech, 您将学习协助兽医进行诊断成像的技术, pharmacology, and surgical and clinical procedures. By providing quality care for your animal patients, 你会加强动物和人类家庭之间的联系.

To become a vet tech, 你必须从AVMA(美国兽医协会)认可的项目中获得兽医技术应用科学(AAS)副学士学位. Upon graduating from the program, 你将有资格参加兽医技术员国家考试(VTNE). 通过考试后,你可以申请成为你所在州的合格兽医技师.


High VTNE Pass Rate

火博体育获得通过VTNE所需的技能和知识. 我们的优质教学和反应迅速的教师将给你的信心,你需要照顾动物和赚取你的证书.

我们的兽医技术课程在为学生准备考试方面有着良好的记录. Our graduates had an 84.62% pass rate for 2020-2023. 我们的通过率比其他在线和校园课程的全国平均水平高出15-20%.

Flexible & Rigorous

火博体育的兽医技术项目只是其中之一 10 fully accredited online vet tech programs in the nation. 我们的在线兽医技术AAS允许您在世界任何地方以最适合您的时间表的方式完成课程. No matter where you are, you will receive a top-notch education, as seen by our excellent VTNE pass rate.

我们的专业教师和工作人员将教授您高水平的临床技能,并随时准备与您联系. At your Off-Campus Clinical Instruction site, 当你获得治疗动物的临床经验时,有执照的兽医或有证书的兽医技术人员将指导你.

Affordable Option

Because of SJC's low tuition rate兽医技术AAS对您来说是一项伟大的投资. 你将接受严格、高质量的教育,为你的职业生涯做好准备. 你也可能有资格通过免学费获得学位 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships. 

Veteran Tuition Benefits

我们很自豪能为现役军人和退伍军人以及他们的子女和配偶提供福利. 我们根据SB 136(2009)的规定为我们的课程提供州内学费。. We encourage you to contact the San Juan College Veteran Center to determine your benefit eligibility.

What You'll Learn With an AAS in Veterinary Technology

在线获得兽医技术副学士学位,以帮助兽医改善动物患者的生活. You'll study:

  • 护理技能,如样本采集、药物管理和伤口包扎
  • Diseases, treatments, and medicines
  • Anesthetic and surgical assisting skills
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • 兽医医学术语,动物解剖学和生理学
  • Large animal diseases, care, and assistance
  • Lab animal and small exotic animal care and procedures
  • Emergency and critical care for animals

Veterinary Technology AAS Curriculum


The Veterinary Technology AAS is a part-time program, and you will complete one to four courses per semester. 你应该每周花5到7个小时来学习每门课程, completing written assignments, taking examinations, and practicing clinical assignments.


As part of the program, 你必须完成临床技能课程, lab, and exotic species. San Juan College offers a two-day Fast Track Lab in Waco, Texas, so you travel and complete that requirement.

Clinical Requirements

As part of the associate degree in veterinary technology, 你将在你所在地区的诊所获得实践经验. At your Off-Campus Clinical Instruction (OCCI) site, a licensed veterinarian will oversee your clinical hours.

  • 你将负责寻找一个被批准的伴侣动物(最常见的是狗和猫)和一个兽医机构作为OCCI的站点.
  • 火博体育在德克萨斯州韦科提供为期两天的快速通道实验室,以完成VETT 233和VETT 235.
  • If you cannot attend the Fast Track Lab, 您将被要求在OCCI站点获得食品和农场动物(大型动物),以完成VETT 233和VETT 235的临床技能.
  • View all clinical requirements

Transfer Options for Veterinary Technology AAS Graduates

Want to earn your bachelor's degree in veterinary technology? 您将能够将您的SJC兽医技术AAS转移到密苏里大学 articulation agreement between our schools. 你将以大三的成绩进入,完成额外的课程以获得学士学位.

To learn more about the transfer process, talk with one of the veterinary technology program's advisors.

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Full AVMA-CVTEA Accreditation

火博体育的兽医技术应用科学副学士课程获得了美国兽医协会的全面认证 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) 透过兽医技术员教育及活动委员会.

VTNE Pass Percentage for July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023

Number of first-time candidates that have taken the VTNE

143 students

Three-year VTNE pass percentage

84.62% pass rate

Careers and Outcomes


  • Private veterinary practices
  • Animal hospitals
  • Equine or large animal facilities
  • Zoo and wildlife facilities
  • Laboratory animal medicine

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2021年到2031年,该领域的工作岗位预计将增长20%. 对兽医技术的巨大需求意味着无论你住在哪里,你都可以开始自己的职业生涯.

Graduate Spotlight

Hear from Kara S.她是我们的一名兽医技术毕业生,第一次就通过了职业技能考试. As a military spouse who moved three times during the program, 她将自己的成功归功于优秀的师资队伍和SJC在线课程的灵活性.

Next Steps


Request Information

通过向火博体育提交申请,开始你的在线兽医技术学位. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

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与兽医技术计划的顾问之一安排电话咨询预约. They'll help you get started. 

Make an Appointment


Sherry Hair
Phone: (888) 313-3838

Audrey Hendriks
Phone: (505) 566-3880

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